Urbanization Les Taules La Eliana can say that is one of the most modern where most the chalets do not exceed 20 or 30 years old. The major advantages of this urbanization are its proximity to the town of L’Eliana, the sports and mainly to the CV-35 motorway, allowing quick access if we often use the car to go to Valencia and other destinations.
Villas in urbanization Les Taules L’Eliana Valencia
Use the form on the right to find your villa or plot in the urbanization of Les Taules or other areas of L’Eliana or Valencia. Fulfill the contact form.
Urbanization Les Taules of L’Eliana
As each of the urbanizations of L’Eliana, Les Taules has unique characteristics that can make special for what you’re looking for. Therefore we try to show continued interest information that can be useful if you want to live in the municipality of L’Eliana so close to Valencia and that has its own life and all the necessary services.
Colleges and institutes next to urbanization Les Taules
The urbanization of Les Taules is very close to the schools in the northern part of the municipality covering the entire educational offerings, from the nursery Maria Allende found in the same area for ages 0-6 years, the school Garbí primary education for 6-12 years and the L’Eliana institute for secondary education and high school for ages 12 to 18 years the latter 2 next to the sports center of L’Eliana, 500m from the urbanization of Les Taules.
Below you can see a map of L’ Eliana with all the educational offer in the municipality.
Traffic streets urbanization Les Teules
One of the most important points when choosing our place of residence is usually the pollutions of all kinds that can receive either motivated by lights, sounds, waves or odors that may come from nearby. If you know the urbanization of Les Taules in L’Eliana you know that streets are the busiest and therefore the most noisy and annoying, but if you do not know the area can be helpful this map which indicates in green and blue colours those town streets collect more traffic, as seen most of the streets are very quiet.
Public Transport L’Eliana Valencia
The urbanization of Les Taules in L’Eliana is characterized by easy access to the CV-35 motorway, which motivates many people have taken this urbanization as a residence, in addition to its proximity to the town center. Therefore the road will be the means most used public transport to go to Valencia, even if we find nearby public transport is also found on the same road which is one of the places where the bus to Valencia has a stop to join the 15km distance in just over 25 minutes. Here we can see the different stops the bus to Valencia in the town of La Eliana, many of them very close to urbanization Les Taules.
We can not forget the option of Metro even if it is at a far distance, but with the advantage of being able to park the car in the parking near the metro station of L’Eliana.
The urbanization of Les Taules has the same planning regulations that the rest of the municipality of L’Eliana, that means that each plot of L’Eliana is listed with a classification and based on such urban classification have defined the urban characteristics that the municipality of L’Eliana may be authorized to construct or alter any urban element. Here you can see the map of soil classification of the town of L’Eliana in Valencia.
In this urbanization, seeing the map of urban classification, we can see that the areas of urbanization Les Taules closer to the Avenue of Camp del Turia, one of the most traffic, is dedicated to isolated industrial land, helping to further isolate the rest of villas, which are mostly SU AIS, ie, isolated plots. Consult planning regulations in the urban area the official website of the City of L’Eliana.
Map of the urbanization Les Taules
Although urbanization Bonavista is prior to the urbanization Les Taules last few years has taken over Les Taules name and so we have included the Bonavista urbanization within the area of Les Taules. On the map you can see the limits that we have set for urbanization Les Taules, is an experience-based approach in the area since the City of L’Eliana has no official boundaries that distinguish these urbanizations.
112 Emergency Service in L’Eliana
We have already mentioned that urbanization Les Teules devotes a large area isolated industrial land in this area is one of the most important and emblematic of the municipality of La Eliana, the Coordination Centre of Emergency Valencia, service 112 emergency located in the urbanization Les Taules of La Eliana, with direct connection to the CV-35 to Valencia.
Comments about villas in the urbanization Les Taules
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